Finn takes Winner's Dog and Best Opposite Sex back to back days!
Finn took WD and BOS Saturday March 4, 2018 and Sunday March 5, 2018 for 1 point each day at the south Dade Kennel Club held in Davie,...
Finn gets his RATM title! (master Ratter)
Finn earned his RATM title in West Palm Beach at the Tailwaggers Barn Hunt Trial under judge James Holmes ***UPDATE as of 10/8/17 Finn...
When I was a young man. . .
When I was a young pup I traveled by plane from a state called Texas all the way to Florida. Before I was sent on the plane I was told I...
Welcome to my new website!
It is official, I am now loose on the World Wide Web. Watch out world, this red dog is ready to share fun adventures, clean runs (and...